AED Product Registration

Product Registration

Defibtech welcomes you to our family, and we thank you for purchasing our products.

Whether you live in the U.S.A. or one of the many countries in which our products are sold, we urge you to take the time to register.

Registration is simple and fast, and by registering, you can be assured to receive prompt notifications of product notices and updates should that need ever arise. U.S.A. federal regulations require AED manufacturers to maintain records for each AED it distributes.1 These requirements also apply anytime there is a change in the product's location, including if you move, sell, donate, give away, export or even throw away your product. We rely on you to contact us when those things happen, such that the information remains accurate, in case we need to share important product notices.

If your location is outside the U.S.A., we ask that you register for exactly the same reasons.

We understand that protecting your personal information is important, and we will only use the information you provide to contact you with the latest information about your product and to meet our regulatory obligations.1

To register a new AED or to update your current registration, simply complete the form below. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our Customer Service Department at 1-866-333-4241 (toll free North America), 1-203-453-4507, or for assistance.

1 - 21 CFR 821 Medical Device Tracking